The Perry Chamber of Commerce will host its Annual Member Meeting and Director Election on Tuesday, December 10th at 12pm via Zoom. All Chamber Members are invited to attend to elect Board Members for the upcoming three-year term (2025-2027).
Five current Chamber Board Members have terms ending December 31st, 2024. They may be nominated to serve another term and nominations for new board members are requested from Chamber Members by Monday, October 28th. Those nominated will be contacted and asked to submit a Board Member Application (short questionnaire) in order to accept the nomination by Friday, November 1st.
*The application deadline has been extended to Friday, November 22nd.
“The Chamber has been a rewarding board to be a part of,” states Cherie Welch, Immediate Past President of the Perry Chamber of Commerce. “Watching the events that we spend so much time on come together is amazing and seeing how supportive our businesses are toward the community is incredible. I’m thankful to be a part of it!”
The role of the Board of Directors is to oversee the strategic direction of the Perry Chamber of Commerce and to act as the Governing Body of the organization. The only prerequisite for individuals to serve on the Board is being a current representative of a Chamber Member Business or Organization in good standing.
Responsibilities of Perry Chamber Board Members:
- Ability to make decisions on behalf of the Membership as a whole, and uphold fiduciary duty to the Organization
- Commit to attending monthly board meetings, and additional meetings as needed
- Participate at a committee level to advance Organization's strategic goals
- Attend Chamber activities, as schedule allows (Ribbon Cuttings, Events, etc.)
- Pledge to serve a three-year term.
Nominations may be submitted via email to or by phone.
For more information, contact Perry Chamber of Commerce at (515) 465-4601.

Date and Time
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM CST
Tuesday, December 10th
Online via Zoom.
Link sent to registrants.
Free to All Members
Contact Information
Lynsi Pasutti
Send Email